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NIO & Mastercard
  • Established negotiations and framework between NIO Germany – who handles EU operations too – and Mastercard.
  • Initial scope was to enable card terminals in the EV charging infrastructure that NIO is building, both their swap stations and EV charging stations.
  • Project roll out focused on data services, enabling Mastercard Data and Services solutions to support and optimize the commercial roll out of NIO in Germany and Europe.
  • Existing discussion on introducing Mastercard payment rails into the infotainment system. 
2023 – ON GOING
  • Implementing contactless terminals in EV charging stations
  • Liaising with different charging networks in order to explore the potential partnership and collaboration with Mastercard.
  • Helping the charging station providers to find the right hardware and software solution providers
  • Analyzing and defining a product solution based on QR payment flow for existing EV chargers which will not implement card terminals. 
Implementing QR code payment in gastronomy/hospitality
2023 – ON GOING
  • Pushing for online click-to-pay solution in gastronomy, speaking with different solution providers and making sure their apps and online check out enables click-to-pay.
  • Closing the gap to local schemes, making sure we give presence and visibility to Card Debit schemes over local ones.
  • Helping the segment to overcome the staff shortage by automating the ordering and payment process
  • Enhancing the user experience for a faster, seamless and user friendly checkout.
  • Potentially exploring implementing Payment Loyalty solutions within the overall payment flow.