VR Live Events
Sansar & Bootshaus

The main goal of KnowloGy is expanding the capabilities and tools a promoter has via the use of new and innovative technology. In this line, back in 2018 we started exploring the possibilities of VR, XR and other immersive technologies to create a new experience for the user while expanding the horizon of the event beyond the physical space and finding new monetization tools and channels for their core business.

For this, we are in close collaboration with different technology solution providers such as Univr.se, Rooom, VR Jam, Journee, Sansar… which can enable and provide this technologies. With Sansar and another studio, we worked on business development and sponsorship and brand partnerships for this leading VR platform, doing shows with El Row, Boothaus, Exit Festival, among others.
Together we open a new dimension and opportunities to the live entertainment industry, be it promoters, labels or artists. Enabling them to host their dedicated VR events as a stand-alone or as a complement to the real festivals and events.

We directly work with top world clubs such as Bootshaus in Cologne and brands as El Row, ID&T and more to bring the experience alive.
El Row @ Bootshaus VR
Lives Views
Concurrent users in stream
People inside VR


Bootshaus Impressions
Lost Horizon Shangri-La
Lost Horizon Shangri
+4.36 M
Lives Views



Acts: Fatboy Slim, Carl Cox….
13.1 M
Million media reach
Lost Horizon Shangri